
Thursday, January 17, 2008


We are 20 miles from Jacksonville. We left the Keys this morning and are praising the Lord that we know the reason for our going there, finally! As the days were passing by quickly and even though we had a great time at church and fellowshipping with our friends, I still felt He had more for us. Our friends from Spirit and Truth Ministries brought their friend Cindy over and all had a great time fellowshipping, playing games, and encouraging one another in the Lord. As it was getting late, they were preparing to leave but as Cindy had explained earlier about some "infirmities" we asked if we could pray with her. She was willing and all laid hands and prayed in the Spirit and the Lord moved! He healed her hand of pain and numbness and she kept opening and closing her hand with a surprised look on her face saying, There is no pain or numbness!" She said she had M.S. and something else, I think. The Lord had given a word of knowledge during the prayer time. She said she had never felt such peace and was not familiar with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit but she wanted it now! She was a precious woman who loves the Lord and works with youth. -Lisa

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