
Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

The trip to NY was so fun! It was so great to get to see all 3 of the glendinning boys. We had a great time trying not to act or look like tourists, but we failed! New Years was awesome! I am so excited to see what the Lord will do this year! Hopefully I will be able to post more on NY and New Years soon.

Right now we are getting ready to leave for Florida. Praise the Lord He is making a way. It seems crazy to go. It doesn't make sense at all but we are following His voice. Trusting that He knows what He is doing. That sounds so silly.. don't we trust the Creator of all? How could we not? He has proven Himself through the ages and yet when I, little human me, can't see the immediate plan, I start to question. I start to question the little things; why I can't watch this or that movie or go here or there. And the big things; why did Elijah Liam have to die, why is our family in this situation?

Why can't I just trust as a child, that wherever Dad and Mom take me, feed me, and give me is ok. I want to.... I need to trust. -Monika

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