
Friday, May 30, 2014

Laundry Soap and a "failed" batch of hot process



1/3 bar of homemade soap You can use Fels Naptha but it is loaded with synthetic, unhealthy chemicals.

1/3 cup of washing soda

1/3 cup of borax

All these ingredients will not pollute the environment.


1. Grate soap with 6 cups of water and gently heat until the soap is melted.

2. Add washing soda and borax and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat.

3. Pour 4 cups of hot water into a bucket add heated mixture and stir. I use a 5 gallon bucket and double the recipe.

4. Add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of hot water and stir.

5. Let the soap sit for 24 hours and it will be gelatinous and is ready to use.

6. You may add 1/2 to 1 ounce of essential oil to each recipe. Orange and lemon are less expensive and clean smelling.

I thought I had a failed batch of my hot processed soap in Ocean City during our class and was going to try and see what I could do with it. When I checked on it the next morning, to my surprise, it was perfect and solid. Just thought it would be good to post so that people in the class can be encouraged that it is fool-proof!


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